Hungry Work Organic Farm

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Pre-Order Whole Chickens - Help Fund the Walk-In Cooler!

Baby chicks have arrived! In 8-10 weeks (early October), we’ll have whole roasting chickens available along with herbs and vegetables to complement. Pre-order yours today and pick up fresh or frozen when ready. Pricing and product details are included below.

By pre-ordering a chicken today, you are helping to fund a critical investment in the farm: a walk-in cooler. A walk-in cooler will allow us to harvest more, donate more food, and keep our wholesale accounts and roadside stand fully-stocked throughout the week.

One whole chicken; raised on pasture and fed 100% organic, non-GMO, soy-free feed. Arrangements can be made so that chickens can be picked up fresh or frozen.

Chickens are priced at $25 (approximately 5 lbs/bird at $5/lb).

Complimentary roasting herbs will be offered upon pickup.

Purchase Here